The 16th Young-Honam and Kyushu Neurosurgical Joint Meeting
会長 森岡 基浩
久留米大学医学部脳神経外科 主任教授
この度、2024年11月8日(金)~10日(日)を会期として、The 16th Young-Honam and Kyushu Neurosurgical Joint Meeting(第16回南韓国九州脳神経外科学会)を福岡国際会議場にて開催することとなりました。
この度、ようやくワクチンの開発と危険性の低下から、本学会の再開を行うことになりましたが、いざ再開となった時に予想外に日本/韓国共にメンバーが変わっておりましたため、まずそれぞれのメンバーのリスト作成から開始しました。この作業におきましては九州大学 吉本幸司教授、福岡大学 安部洋教授、釜山Inje University Busan, Mooseong Kim教授に大変お世話になりました。この場を借りて御礼申し上げます。
本学会の再開は相互の国の脳神経外科の発展に大きく寄与するものであります。みなさん是非参加いただき 旧知の仲の先生方は旧交を温め これから世界に羽ばたく若手の脳外科医は英語の発表に慣れていただき、更に韓国の若手の先生方と交流をしていただきたいと思います。
President of 16th YHKNSJM
Motohiro Morioka, MD, PhD
Professor and Chairman
Department of Neurosurgery
Kurume University School of Medicine
Dear Members and Friends of YHKNSJM,
It is our great honor to host the 16th Young-Honam and Kyushu Neurosurgical Joint Meeting (YHKNSJM) to be held at the Fukuoka International Congress Center in Fukuoka, Kyushu, on November 8-10, 2024.
This joint meeting has played a significant role in the academic advancement of neurosurgery and the progress of friendship between Japan and South Korea since 1990. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic of COVID-19, this meeting has not been held for 5 years. However, the members in both Japan and Korea wished to continue this meeting and have been planning to resume it for the past two years.
Over the past five years, the members in both countries have changed, and for the first time, we have prepared a new list of this meeting. In particular, we would like to thank Professor Koji Yoshimoto of Kyushu University, Professor Hiroshi Abe of Fukuoka University, and Professor Mooseong Kim of Busan Inje University for their great support as representatives of the Kyushu and Busan offices. We would also like to thank Professor Yong Tae-Jung, who retired in September 2023.
We are confident that this meeting will be a “New Departure for YHKNSJM” and hope that neurosurgeons in Korea and Japan will once again deepen their friendship and contribute to the development of neurosurgery in both countries.
Autumn is the best season for travel to Kyushu. We welcome all YHKNSJM members and look forward to seeing you in Fukuoka in November.
Best regards and thank you in advance,
© 2024 The 16th YOUNG-HONAM and KYUSHU Neurosurgical Joint Meeting